Membership Sign-up

Please select one of the following membership types:

  • Institutional Membership ($250-$700)
    Representatives of public or private not-for-profit Canadian post-secondary educational institutions working in the area of student financial aid and / or awards. During membership sign-up, you will be able to select either Class A or Class B Institutional Membership.

    Class A Institutional Membership:
    • May nominate at meetings and may hold office
    • May participate in debate and serve on Association committees
    • May vote on all matters brought before the Association (one vote per institution)
    • Are listed on the Association's web site
    • May subscribe to CASFAA forums
    • Eligible for members' rates for conference

    Class B Institutional Membership:
    • May not vote on matters brought before the Association, nominate at meetings or hold office
    • May participate in debate and serve on Association committees
    • Are listed on the Association's web site
    • May subscribe to CASFAA forums
    • Eligible for members' rates for conference
  • Associate Membership ($1500.00)
    Individuals who are not directly involved in student financial aid at a Canadian public or private not-for-profit post-secondary educational institution; or individuals, organizations, associations, or government agencies who, by virtue of their functions or interests, share the objectives of the Association.
    Rights and Privileges of Associate membership are as follows:
    • May participate in debate and attend meetings of the Association
    • May not vote on matters brought before the Association, nominate at meetings or hold office
    • Are listed on the Association's web site
    • May subscribe to CASFAA forums
    • Eligible for members' rates for conference
  • Corporate Membership ($2000.00)
    Corporations and for-profit organizations that provide products and/or services in the area of student financial assistance and share the objectives of CASFAA.
    Rights and Privileges of Corporate Associate membership are as follows:
    • May attend meetings of the Association but may not debate, vote, nominate or hold office
    • Are listed on the Association's web site with a brief (25 word) explanation of company's services and logo
    • May subscribe to CASFAA forums
    • Direct access to the Executive for discussion of corporate services which may benefit the membership
    • Priority opportunity to attend the annual CASFAA conference as a sponsor


Memberships can be purchased by credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT), which are the preferred and fast payment methods. 

If you are unable to pay using the above methods, you may send a cheque to the CASFAA Treasurer at the following mailing address:

Lesli Lucas-Aseltine 
422 University Centre
65 Chancellors Circle
Winnipeg, MB  R3T 2N2