Photo Contest - Reconnect, Renew, Reimagine!
The contest is now closed. Thank you for participating and good luck!
The Three R’s Photo Contest details:
- Choose from one of the 3 R’s of the theme or all of them if you want: RECONNECT, RENEW, REIMAGINE
- Submit a photo that you think matches one of the themes and tell us in a few sentences why and what theme it is (Jpeg files preferred)
- Submit your name and the post-secondary/institution you are representing
- Email it to
- Deadline to submit is Wednesday, June 15th 7pm ET
- Prizes to be won!
Here's an example from one of our committee members:
Theme: Renew
Bunne Palamar, Yukon University
The morning Yukon sunrise gives to a new day where we can begin all over again and find fresh perspective and motivation.
Love driving to work with this above and all around me!
Note: photos may be shown at the closing plenary. Photos will not be retained or used by CASFAA or the Conference Committee after the conference.