Strategic Plan

CASFAA has completed two Strategic Plans.  The first iteration (2015 – 2018) helped us to contextualize who we were and provide us with direction through goals and actions.  The initial plan was extended to help the transition between the new board and a second plan released in 2020 (2020 – 2023).  The second plan built upon the foundation set and helped to further establish CASFAA as a leader in Canadian post-secondary financial aid.  As you read the third plan, I think that you will see it was built by standing on the shoulders of giants.  I am excited as we explore and expand into new opportunities for our Association providing new ways of engaging and diversifying our membership. 

Thank you to the members during the solicitation period, and to the board members who over the past two years have helped work on visioning, collating, collaborating, and drafting the Strategic Plan.  The board will continue to work on and update an Action Plan for all of you to see, as we take this next step forward together.


Josh Levac
CASFAA President

Strategic Plans

Strategic Plan 2024 - 2029

Strategic Plan 2020 - 2023, January 2023 update

Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018, April 2018 update

Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018, April 2017 update

Strategic Plan 2015 - 2018, April 2016 update