Call for Proposals

Golden Opportunities Under the Midnight Sun will explore what has changed in the field of student financial aid during the pandemic years and what new golden opportunities this might offer for students and practitioners alike. These ideas will be explored under four wide ranging categories:

  • Finding optimism in the not-so-Golden financial realties we face
  • Lighting the Golden path by reimagining funding
  • What are the Golden opportunities in your school?
  • Staying Golden: Health and wellness in financial aid

We encourage members to think about how you can contribute to these conversations and invite you to submit a session proposal.

Deadline to submit: April 17, 2023 extended to April 24!

All submissions will be reviewed and the conference committee will be in touch with presenters by April 30, 2023.

Submit Your Session Proposal

Contact Information


Who might be interested? Indicate if this session is of specific interest to various groups.
 directors/ administrators  
 front line staff  
 financial aid specific staff  
 financial literacy  
 scholarship/ awards staff  
 beginner financial aid staff  
 long term financial aid staff  
 province specific  

Please indicate if you would be able to offer this session twice should the conference schedule permit:
 Yes    No    Maybe

Please indicate session format:
 Presentation    Facilitated discussion    Workshop

Which language/s are you comfortable offering your session in?
 English only     English and French     French only  

Contact Information