Selfie Contest

To Enter:

  • Take a selfie of yourself or group in the Yukon at different locations where you may visit/site see including Yukon University!
  • Enter into the selfie photo contest by emailing your photo to
  • Let us know who you are, where you are from and which post-secondary you represent.
  • Add hashtags of #yukonu, #casfaa on your social media for fun!
  • There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and photos must be sent by May 31st, Wednesday morning at 10am in order to be included.
  • Enjoy the Yukon or Skagway if you are going there before the conference! Great photo opportunities along the way just saying!


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Bunne Palamar, next to  the Yukon Arts Centre which is overlooking downtown Whitehorse.
A popular lunch time walk for YukonU staff to get some of that “Golden” sunshine!