Contact the 2021 Conference Committee
From the west to the east of Canada, all gifted with a positive can-do attitude, please meet your freshly squeezed organizing committee members of the 2021 CASFAA virtual conference!
Julie Foran, Manager, Student Support and Advising – Enrolment Services, University of British Columbia
Looking forward to seeing what zesty and bright lemonade will come of a new year in the world of financial aid!
Kezia Abueg, Awards & Financial Aid Officer, University of Winnipeg
New to the lemonade stand, but eager to squeeze and learn!
Lorraine Au Tham, Manager, University Awards, University of Toronto
Loves trying different varieties of lemonade and has a zest for recognizing and supporting incredible students through awards!
Melanie Oakes, Student Central Professional, Lakehead University
Comparable to pink lemonade - strikes a good balance between sweet and sour; refreshing with a little pizazz!
Susan Allward, Director, Integrated and Financial Services, Ontario Tech University
Twenty years of squeezing government aid for the lemonade of change!
Elizabeth Perez, Director, Financial Aid and Awards, Université de Montréal
Sweet with a refreshing twist!
Marie-Edith Ferland McCollough, Coordinator - Scholarship and Students financial aid, HEC Montréal
Makes a habit of seeing the sweet side of lemons!
Matt Currie, Manager, Student Awards & Financial Aid, Nova Scotia Community College
Always striving to be the zest!